What is blackhole?Mention it.
Here is yr answer...
Black Hole :
=> Black hole is a region, which is formed by the Errors (Stopping of Bombardment between Helium and Hydrogen) in a Huge star(20X greater than Sun).
=> The region of black hole exists a Great Gravitational force...It can pull everything around it if is Large in size!
=> Generally, Black Holes are not visible as the light also passes into it without reflection!
=> But, the telescopes - CHANDRA X RAY are used to see it!
=> Recently, NSF GOVT. released the first ever telescopic (event horizon) image of BLACK HOLE... and it is given in attachment!
I hope this info. helps u!

Black hole is dark round thing which is know as the world's most dark and deppest thing in world. there are Black holes in the whole Universe. galaxies and make up of a big bang Big Bank is a very strong energy come out of a black hole. it is believed that the birth of universe was through the began to the charging explosion of your energy that begin over 13 billion years ago.
there are Black holes in the whole Universe. galaxies and make up of a big bang Big Bank is a very strong energy come out of a black hole. it is believed that the birth of universe was through the began to the charging explosion of your energy that begin over 13 billion years ago. having said that it has not been possible to determine where the energy came from and how the explosion occurred. black hole are the creators of galaxies and also the end of all galaxies. also crash with each other and forms a big black hole. milky way is also Galaxy it will make crash a galaxy in billion billion years later. the Andromeda Galaxy will crash Milky Way and will make milky Andromeda galaxy the andromeda galaxy is coming in the speed of a gun's bullet. A time will come when all galaxies will make a one black hole and Anderson make gigantic black hole.
time will come when all galaxies will make a one black hole and Anderson make gigantic black hole.From all the galaxies.
Galaxy is coming in a speed of a gun