what is C++? what are the header files in c++? where is c++ used in?
Header files which are write first or starting of program.
They have “defined function” in their library like as printf, scanf etc.
I take a simple example of program
void main(){
int a;
In the above example there is three method
now printf and scanf the two function they are already defined in studio.h header file.This header file means standard input output, means they work for take input and show output.
In printf its command to give with arguments to defined display in stdio.h and then the value is print.
C is a procedural language and C++ is a mix of procedural programming and object oriented programming language.
In c++, one defines classes, creates objects, uses the methods (functions) defined within a class. It is safer programming language than C language. Debugging programming could be simpler in C++. Since the language is object oriented, it is easier to add or enhance features by including more objects/classes in an existing program. The code size could be very high in C++.
C++ contains every thing that C program can do.