World Languages, asked by mirkung, 11 months ago

what is called the meaningfull stage of sensation


Answered by satyavti12

Here is your answer

Sensation is an animal's, including humans', detection of external or internal stimulation (e.g., eyes detecting light waves, ears detecting sound waves). It is different from perception, which is about making sense of, or describing, the stimulation (e.g., seeing a chair, hearing a guitar).

Sensation involves three steps:

Sensory receptors detect stimuli.

Sensory stimuli are transduced into electrical impulses (action potentials) to be decoded by the brain.

Electrical impulses move along neural pathways to specific parts of the brain wherein the impulses are decoded into useful information (perception).

For example, when touched by a soft feather, mechanoreceptors – which are sensory receptors in the skin – register that the skin has been touched. That sensory information is then turned into neural information through a process called transduction. Next, the neural information travels down neural pathways to the appropriate part of the brain, wherein the sensations are perceived as the touch of a feather.

Children are often taught five basic senses: seeing (i.e., vision), hearing (i.e., audition), tasting (i.e., gustation), smelling (i.e., olfaction), and touching. However, there are actually many more senses including vestibular sense, kinesthetic sense, sense of thirst, sense of hunger, and cutaneous sense.




Hope it will help you...




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