Chemistry, asked by AMAYTRIPATHI, 1 year ago

what is cathode ray experiment and briefly explain about discharge tube?


Answered by Atul99
in 1959 juslius plucker started the study of conduction of electricity through gases at low pressure in discharge tube is consist of a hard glass cylindrical tube about 50cm long with 2 metal electrode conected to a vacume pump. during his experiment air was completly removed from the discharge tube so the pressure was 10^-4mm hg in discharge tube and a high voltage of 10,000V was impressed across the electrode. afterwards some short of invisible rays moved from -ve electrode to +ve electrode since the rays were studyed by J.J.

i will hope its help!!!!!! :-)

Atul99: tnx
AMAYTRIPATHI: ur most welcome bhau
Atul99: :-P
Atul99: :-D
Answered by AdityaTripathi

Friend here's the answer you are looking for ;

Before I explain the Cathode Ray Experiment for free we have to know what is the atom and structure of atom then only we can go for the to the Cathode Ray Experiment.


The word atom is a Greek word meaning individual means of ultimate particle which cannot be sub-divided

The atoms are regarded as the fundamental building blocks of matter these items are so small particles that they cannot be seen by naked eye or under a microscope.
Naturally many questions come to our mind some of these questions are
1st. what is an atom made up of?
2nd. What makes the atom of one element different from the atom of another element?
3rd. Are the atoms individual as proposed by Dalton?
To answer these questions it would be worth while to learn the most curious question( what is there inside an atom) this question let scientist to perform experiment and search evidences to understand the structure of evidence and explain its important properties

As we have studied John Dalton proposed that atoms are structureless hard spherical particles Dolton atomic theory remained undisputed UpTo The End of 19th century however the discovery towards the end of 19th century and early 20th century so that atom has a complex structure and is not individual these studies also sold that an atom is composed of small particles are just electron proton and neutron these particles are regarded as fundamental particles because these are main constituents of all atom the presence of fundamental particles in an atom is also shown by the electrical nature of matter.

Before explaining the Cathode Ray Experiment I would like to explain the discharge tube in which the Cathode Ray Experiment takes place.

A discharge tube is consist of a hard glass cylindrical tube about 50 cm long and two metal electrodes and these are connected with the vacuum pump. in this discharge tube only all the experiments of cathode and anode Ray takes place as because in the discharge tube you can handle the air pressure and also provide electricity as much as you want as in the Cathode Ray Experiment JJ Thomson did.

The cathode ray was discovered by JJ Thomson and English physicist at the end of 19th century during the study of passage of electricity through the gases at extremely low prices this study was known as discharge tube experiment under ordinary pressure gas is a bad conductor of electricity however when High Voltage applied to the gases at very low pressure the gas has become conductor and electricity bills to flow in the form of cathode ray shown that these rays consist of negatively charged particles the experiment in its simplest form consists of a cylindrical hard glass tube about 50 cm long closed at both ends and shown in figure 1 it is known as discharge 2 o'clock is tube it is fitted with two metallic electrodes the electrodes connected to negative terminal of the battery is called cathode while the other connected to positive terminal of battery is called and node the tube is connected to the site you through which it can be evacuated at an inside pressure with the help of vacuum pump discharge tube is filled with air or the gas under study and the two electrodes are connected to a source of High Voltage during this experiment the following observation are made
1st A current of High Voltage about 10000 volts was passed through the discharge tube under the normal pressure of 1 atmosphere it was observed that no electricity flows through the gas
2nd The pressure of the gas inside the tube is loaded decreased by pumping out the gas with the help of vacuum pump when the pressure of the gas is decreased to about 10^2 atmosphere electricity start flowing through the tube as a resort light is emitted in the tube the colour of the light depends upon the nature of the gas taken
3rd When the pressure of the gas is discharge tube is for the reduced to 10^4 atmospheric pressure the immersion of light in the tube stops the war of the discharge tube opposite to cathode started blowing with a green slide called fluorescence
It was discovered that the glowing of the tube is due to the bambardment fiberglass by certain rays emitted from the cat hold these days moved from the cathode to watch The End Road in the form of is tricks of light these days were named cathode rays because they originate from the cathode further studies of cathode rays led to the conclusion that cathode rays consist of negatively charged particles these negatively charged particles consisting the cathode rays were named electrons
Thus an electron is negatively charged particle found in the items of all the elements in general and electron is represented as e or e-.

AMAYTRIPATHI: ur most welcome
AdityaTripathi: atul ans was also correct
AMAYTRIPATHI: yeah, obviously but u deserve it
AdityaTripathi: yep
AdityaTripathi: again i will try my best
AMAYTRIPATHI: as expected
AdityaTripathi: ^_^
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