what is chromatography ? Give two application of chromatography?
In chemical analysis, Chromatography is a laboratory technique for the separation of a mixture. The mixture is dissolved in a fluid called the mobile phase, which carries it through a system on which a material called the stationary phase is fixed.
• Reaction Monitoring.
• Qualitative Analysis
Chromatography is a laboratory technique for the separation of a mixture. The mixture is dissolved in a fluid (gas or solvent) called the mobile phase, which carries it through a system (a column, a capillary tube, a plate, or a sheet) on which a material called the stationary phase is fixed.
Chromatography has various applications. It is used for the separation of different colors of ink. It is also used to identify and separate the preservatives and additives added in the food items. It is also used in DNA fingerprinting and bioinformatics.