History, asked by yashu39, 1 year ago

What is convention ? What are provisions given in it?


Answered by myrakincsem
Convention is a type of agreement done between states which covers a particular matter it is more less than a treaty.
Article 1 says:
For convention the term stateless person means that a person would not be considered as a national by the states under its operational law.

Article 3 says that :
Convention on non-discrimination states that this convention is applicable to the stateless people without any sort of discrimination.

Article 28 states that :
Stateless travelling issues would be answered. An individual being recognized as a stateless would be issued a travelling document and identity by the contracting state.

Article 31 staes that:
Stateless people would not be expelled but would be given proper security .

Article 32 states that:
This convention tells about the issue of naturalisation. It states that the contracting state should fully facilitate and naturalisation of the stateless people .
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