What is Darwin's theory of the origin of species?
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Charles Darwin recognized that 1) populations adapt to their environment when genetic variation is culled away by natural selection, or they go extinct. This was his big breakthrough, but he made an even bigger claim. Darwin also recognized that 2) all life on earth forms a single family tree, and that the branches on that tree arose as populations became adapted to different environments. He was fuzziest about exactly how a species split in two, but again, argued (mostly in letters) that it happened as different populations within a species adapted to different environments.
Darwin published the Origin of Species 150 years ago. If you want to understand his theories, consider reading that book.
If you want to understand modern evolutionary biology, the shortest version is Jerry Coyne’s book, Why Evolution Is True. Having done that, you might want to look at his website by the same name. You will see posts and arguments that Jerry is especially interested in. Why Evolution Is True. If it is speciation you care about, read Coyne & Orr’s Speciation, or MJD White’s Modes of Speciation.
The longer, but deeper way to learn about modern evolutionary biology is to read a standard textbook, for example Herron and Freeman Evolutionary Analysis or Nick Barton et al. Evolution.
There are many websites that post blog entries interesting to evolutionary biologists.
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