Science, asked by shreya1231, 1 year ago

what is deficiency disease?? write about it in about 150 words ?
also write the prevention for the following disease:-
1.night blindness
8.Vitamin K deficiency

points=50points :-) make it fast!


Answered by zerodown1024
Q - What is a disease?
A- A disease is a state of body in which the functions of body or some organs are disturbed. Disease state is different from normal state of body which can be observed by symptoms appearing in a person's body.
Q- What is deficiency Disease?

A- The Disease caused due to deficiency of Nutrients Like Vitamin, Mineral , Carbohydrates etc. is known as Deficiency disease.

The Symptoms and causes of above Deficiency Disease are –

1. Night Blindness –

It is also known as Nyctalpia. It is caused due to Deficiency of Vitamin A.
Symptoms –

Short Sightedness Cataract Problems in cells of Retina
Prevention – 

Uses of LensGlaucoma Medication

2- Beri-beri

It is Caused due to deficiency of Vitamin B1. 
Symptoms – 

Weight loss
Emotional Disturbance 
Impaired Sensory Perception
Loss of appetite
Weakness and Pain in Limbs Headache 


Usage of thiamine
Taking Thiamine Rich diet
3. Scurvy -

It is caused due to Deficiency of Vitamin C.


Early - Malaise and Lethargy After Some months - Breathlessness , Bone pain , skin changes , bruising , gum disease ,  dental problems

Prevention - 

Intake of vitamin C rich food like orange , lemonn , papya , strawberries etc

4. Rickets-

It is caused due to deficiency of Vitamin D.

Symptoms - 

Bone tenderness
Dental Poblems
Muscle Weakness 
Increased tendency to Fractures 

Prevention -

Intake of diet rich in vitamin D , Calcium ,Phospates

5.Anaemia -

Anaemia is caused due to Deficiency of Iron.


Fatigue in body becaue organs don't get enough RBCs.


Intake of Diet rich in Iron and Eat Balanced diet


It is caused due to deficiency of Iodine


Hoarseness in voice
Coughing more frequently than usual
Swallowing Difficulties


Taking enough idoine rich dietUsing iodized table salt.


It is caused due to Deficiency of vitamin B3

High Sensitivity to sunlight 
Red skin lesions


Treatment with Nictine-Amide

8.Vitamin K Deficiency-

Vitamin K deficiency can lead in High risk of Uncontrolled Bleeding.


Easy Bruising
excess of bleeding from wounds
Blood in urine


By using vitamin tabletsBy intake of vitamin k rich Diet

9.Hypocobalaminemia -

It is caused due tn Deficiency of vitamin B-12


Fatigue Poor Balance Indigestion


Intake of Vitamin B12 rich food like meat , eggs , sea food and milk etc.

10. Arboflavinosis -

It is caused due to deficiency of vitamin B3.


Angular StomatitisItching and burning of eyes 


Intake of riboflavin rich diet i.e. milk and its products , meat , leafy veggies , eggs , wheat , germ etc

shreya1231: tysm!!!!! really u helepd me a lot!!!
shreya1231: helped *
PulkitStar: wow great answer...............
Answered by Anonymous
Diseases that are caused by the lack of some particular nutrient in a person's diet are called deficiency diseases.

1. Night-blindness:

A child having this disease is unable to see properly in the dark. His eyes become dull and listless and the skin becomes dry. If not treated in time, the child may become blind.


This disease is caused due to the deficiency of vitamin A in the diet.

Treatment: A child suffering from night-blindness should take a diet rich in vitamin A. Carrots, fish, fruits, milk, butter, etc., are all good sources of vitamin A.

2. Beri-beri:

This is basically a disorder of the nerves. It affects the health of eyes % and skin, growth of the body, formation of muscles and blood. There may also to be stomach and intestinal disturbances.


This disease is caused due to the deficiency of vitamin-B.


The affected child must eat the foods rich in vitamin B like milk, fish, meat, cereals, egg, etc., and also seek medical advice from a doctor.

3. Scurvy:

People suffering from scurvy have swollen and bleeding gums. They lose weight and become weak. Their teeth start shaking and become loose.


This disease is caused due to the deficiency of vitamin-C.


Oranges, citrus fruits, cabbage, amla, etc., should be included in the diet of the patient.

4. Rickets:

In this disease, the bones of the legs become thin, deformed and curved (bow-legged). The bones of the child become weak and soft.


This disease is caused due to the deficiency of vitamin D.


The affected child must eat the foods rich in vitamin D like milk, fish, meat, butter, egg, etc., and take the advice of a doctor.

5. Anaemia:

In this disease, the level of the haemoglobin becomes low gets tired very easily and feels weak. The skin becomes pale. The lips and nails become dull and colourless.


This disease is caused due to the deficiency of iron.


The person should have plenty of green, leafy vegetables like spinach and cabbage. Meat, apples, beans, dry fruits, etc., should be included in the diet.

A doctor must also be consulted immediately.

6. Goitre:

In this disease, there is swelling around the neck region of a person.


This disease is caused due to the deficiency of iodine.


The affected person needs to add iodised salt to his or her food.


A child in this condition becomes weak and thin. He shows poor growth compared to other children. He gets tired easily. There may be swelling on the feet and hands. The hair becomes very thin and skin of the child gets dark and starts peeling. Such a child is said to be suffering from malnutrition.


Deficiency of proteins and carbohydrates causes this disease.


Patients of this deficiency should eat food rich in proteins and carbohydrates. Milk, cereals, starch and sugars, meat and eggs should be a part of their diet.

Hope it helps!!!!!

So, cheer up

shreya1231: tysm!! :) well written
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