Math, asked by AtharvMalviya3105, 1 year ago

what is delta?
what is a distributary​


Answered by yuvrajsingh060505


delta =an area of flat land shaped like a triangle where a river divides into smaller rivers as it goes into the sea

Answered by dia190

Step-by-step explanation:

an area of flat land shaped like a triangle where a river divides into smaller rivers as it goes into the sea

नदी का मुहाना, त्रिभुज के आकार का समतल क्षेत्र जहाँ पहुँचकर नदी अनेक छोटी धाराओं में बँट जाती है और समुद्र में समा जाती है; डेल्टा


A river delta is a landform created by deposition of sediment that is carried by a river as the flow leaves its mouth and enters slower-moving or stagnant water. This occurs where a river enters an ocean, sea, estuary, lake, reservoir, or another river that cannot carry away the supplied sediment.

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