Geography, asked by avanichatuvedi3154, 1 year ago

What is Determinism and Neo-Determinism?


Answered by adityachaturvedi123

Before explaining the term Neo determinism,I would like to brief you about two other basic terms; Determinism and Possibilsm.

To keep it simple, Determinism describes the upper hand of Nature over human whereas Possibilism states that there is an upper hand of human over the nature.

However, Neo Determinism is a bit new concept which occupies the middle position between Determinism and Possibilsm.

It states that nature acts as an active agent,however, humans too can influence the nature but not completely.Humans ,therefore,more or less act as a regulator.

Let us understand it through an example. The Breast wall used to retain the soil in hilly areas may act as a deterrent for minor soil movements. However, for big catastrophic events like earthquake succeeded by landslides can break the wall.

This example proves that humans with their technological capacity can only regulate nature's fury but can't escape it completely. Thus we can say that humans act like a traffic regulator using a stop and go approach.

Determinism is not just causality. Determinism goes far beyond causality, and certainly much farther than psychological science requires.

Many scientific psychologists embrace determinism without realizing what it means. That, at least, is the distinct impression left with me after the dramatic debate about free will at the keynote session of the big annual conference of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology in Tampa earlier this month.

Answered by brokendreams

Determinism and Neodeterminism are two philosophies wherein 'Determinism' pertains to the idea that human actions are controlled by the greater forces of nature.

Neodeterminism states that it is possible for humans to continue or stop the development of a region but for every developmental move made, a price has to be paid.


  • The philosophy of determinism has its roots in the belief of superiority of nature.
  • This philosophy was widely relied upon before the advent of the second world war.
  • Those who believed in this philosophy preached that human actions are actually reactions to the natural phenomenon.
  • Neodeterminisn emerged as a philosophy with the advent of new technologies and increased interference of human beings in natural processes.
  • This philosophy preached that human beings can slow down or speed up the development of a region but they should not do that as it disturbs the surrounding environment
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