Biology, asked by prateeks7105, 11 months ago

What is difference between Heredity and inheritance?write any four of them and explain with example.


Answered by mahaksahu
Inheritance:The passing of genetic information from parent to child is known as inheritance.The information is in chemical codes carried by deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA ) in the sex cells (eggs and sperms)

Heredity is the phenomenon of passing traits from parent to offspring. Sperms and eggs are the gametes produced by reproductive organs of male and females. These are haploid with one set of chromosomes.

*Sperms are the male gametes possessing a head, body and a tail. They either comprise X chromosome or Y chromosome.

*The eggs are the female gametes produced by the ovary. They all comprise of X chromosome.

*During fertilisation, sperm nucleus fuses with egg nucleus to form a diploid zygote.

*Zygote is the future individual. A zygote transforms into embryo which inturn develops into foetus.

*As sperms are from father and egg is from mother, the child receives genetic material from both the parents. The characters of parents are transmitted to the child by the phenomenon of heredity.

Heredity is the noun that means our innate traits. It's what we inherit genetically from our forebears. Heredity might determine our hair color or intelligence, our height or skin color.

Inherited traits are the characters which are inherited by the offspring from the parents. These traits are present in the form of genetic material, DNA. Genetic material is carried by the vehicles of inheritance, the chromosomes. Each gamete of opposite sex participating in the sexual reproduction donates the traits in the form of genetic material. These traits are expressed in the offspring and later carried on to nect generation. Such traits which are carried from one generation to another generation are called as inherited traits.

Acquired traits as the name says are acquired by the individual during its life time. Acquired traits are due to changes in the life style, injury, loss of body parts, disuse of some body parts. These are the traits which occur in the somatic cells. Changes in the somatic cells are not passed on to the offspring belonging to next generation

Answered by mariospartan

Heredity and inheritance:

  • Heredity are the set of characteristics that are passed on from the parent to the children.
  • This type of transmission is known as vertical transmission. Whereas inheritance is the genetic transformation of the charecters
  • Heredity are in the form of genetic transformation. Whereas inheritance is by the virtue of chromosomal variation
  • Example. can be such as skin colour or height, and interference are genetical disease like haemophilia
  • Heredity is actually a noun. Whereas interference is the transfer of a trait.

To know:

Explain mendel's concept of heredity by given by five points

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