what is difference between minimal cost network flows and transportation problem
Step-by-step explanation:
The minimal cost network flows are special cases of transportation problems
The transportation problems are special cases of the minimal cost network flows
There is no difference
The transportation problems are formulated in terms of tableaus, while the minimal cost network flows are formulated in terms of graphs
2: Consider the following minimal cost network flow:
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The supply vector b has the values:
b1 = 2, b2 = -1, b3 = 2, b4 = -3
The cost coefficients are
c12 = 1, c32 = 3, c14 = 10
c24 = 1, c34 = 5
What is the status of the following distribution?
x12 = x34 = 0
x32 = x14 = 2, x24 = 1
The distribution is optimal and final
The route 3->4 should be used with the distribution: x12 = x24 = 0, x14 = 2, and x32 = x34 = 1
The route 1->2 should be used with the distribution: x14 = x34 = 0, x12 = x32 = 2, and x24 = 3
The distribution is not feasible
3-4: Cost matrix C for a transportation problem is given by
( 2 3 6 )
C = ( 4 3 1 )
( 1 2 3 )
Find the missing entries A and B in the non-degenerate transportation tableau
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