English, asked by Anonymous, 1 year ago

what is difference between modal verbs and auxillaries


Answered by SamaayraAngel
modals can be called as mood.it is used in moods of person like :I may go to school tomorrow.some modals are :-may,might,shall, should,can, could,ought to,must etc...
whereas auxalliaries means helping verb.
helping verb:-be,do ,have.

be:. simple present (is/are/am), simple past(was/were), past participle (been)
have:. simple present (has/have), simple past(had),past participle (had been)
do:. simple present (do/does), simple past(did),past participle (done)

hope it will help u......

Anonymous: right
Anonymous: thanku
SamaayraAngel: welcome
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