What is difference between modern and traditional in group discussion?
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1. Years back, technology was feared for being destructive and harmful for humans. The IT revolution happened amid criticism and apprehensions. And now India offers the new generation with huge prospects in these fields. Unless you have the courage to take risks of being different from what everyone else has been doing, you never stand a chance to achieve success defined by your preferences. Success, after all is not landing up with a job of big package, but being happy doing whatever you are doing and knowing that you are good at it.
1. Lesser risks and stable job is one of the advantages of following traditional specialization courses. You have people who you can look up to and know what to expect and what not. It is easy deciding upon a traditional course as you can plan according to your efficiency and skills. In a modern course, one hardly has examples to look up at what might lie ahead to the path they are about to start treading with no looking back.
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