History, asked by sureshbgp18, 7 months ago

What is 'Dual Government'? Name the state in which it w
Name the powers who signed the Subsidiary Alliance and Doctrine of lapse
How did the Subsidiary Alliance and Doctrine of Lapse weaken the Indian kingdom


Answered by kdmane86gmailcom


A subsidiary alliance, in South Asian history, describes a tributary alliance between a Native state and either French India, or later the British East India Company. The pioneer of the subsidiary alliance system was French Governor Joseph François Dupleix, who in the late 1740s established treaties with the Nizam of Hyderabad, and Carnatic[1].

The methodology was subsequently adopted by the East India Company, with Robert Clive imposing a series of conditions on Mir Jafar of Bengal, following the 1757 Battle of Plassey, and subsequently those in the 1765 Treaty of Allahabad, as a result of the Company's success in the 1764 Battle of Buxar. A successor of Clive, Richard Wellesley initially took a non-interventionist policy towards the Native states but later adopted, and refined the policy of forming subsidiary alliances. The purpose and ambition of this change are stated in his February 1804 dispatch to the East India Company Resident in Hyderabad[2]:

His Excellency the Governor-General's policy in establishing subsidiary alliances with the principal states of India is to place those states in such a degree of dependence on the British power as may deprive them of the means of prosecuting any measures or of forming any confederacy hazardous to the security of the British empire, and may enable us to reserve the tranquility of India by exercising a general control over those states, calculated to prevent the operation of that restless spirit of ambition and violence which is the characteristic of every Asiatic government, and which from the earliest period of Eastern history has rendered the peninsula of India the scene of perpetual warfare, turbulence and disorder...

Answered by Anonymous


The Nawabs of Bengal were the rulers of the then provinces of Bengal, Bihar and Orissa between 1717 and 1765. In 1765 the system of dual Goverment was established In which the Nawads ruled on behalf of British and were mere puppets to the British.

The system of Dual Government was introduced in Bengal by Robert Clive of British East India Company. It lasted from 1765 to 1772. Under this system, the administration of Bengal was divided into Nizamat and Diwani. The Diwani was carried out by the company and the Nizamat by the Nizam. The system was abolished by Warren Hastings in 1772 and Bengal was brought under direct control of the British and the Nawabs remained as the mere pensioners of the East India Company

A subsidiary alliance, in South Asian history, describes a tributary alliance between a Native state and either French India, or later the British East India Company. The pioneer of the subsidiary alliance system was French Governor Joseph François Dupleix, who in the late 1740s established treaties with the Nizam of Hyderabad, and Carnatic[1].

In subsidiary alliance rulers of India were not allowed to have their own armed forces .They protected by the soldiers of East India company for which they had to pay high rents and idf the rulers were not able to pay rents their kingdom was taken away from them as penalty.

In doctrine of lapse of an Indian ruler would die without any male hire his kingdom would become company territory simply applying these policies weaken indian kingdoms.

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