what is eutropication
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You wouldn’t think a herd of pooping cattle would be a massive problem, but it is — organic waste management is a headache in many areas of rural Indonesia.
Many farmers leave waste from livestock and crops on their farms, or throw the waste into rivers, causing environmental problems such as eutrophication. Methane emissions from animal flatulence also contribute to the smell and pollution, and has been found to be more potent than carbon dioxide when it comes to warming the planet.
Yayasan Rumah Energi is an organisation based in Indonesia that is hoping to change how organic waste in rural communities is managed. One of their programmes, Biogas Rumah (BIRU), is encouraging the use of biogas in homes or by small businesses.
An excessive run of fertilizer into water sources results an increase in nutritions in water. This tough a chain reaction leads to excessive plant growth and reduction of oxygen in water. This condition is called eutrophication
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