Biology, asked by angelshyra, 1 year ago

What is Fasicola hepatica ?​


Answered by dishitagrffindor48


It is an insect which damages the liver. Also known as liver flu

Answered by lara26



Histology of vitelline follicles of a fluke from a TCBZ-resistant field case of fasciolosis, treated with TCBZ 21 days before collection. Within each follicle, stem cells and undifferentiated vitelline cells (Vs), featuring dense heterochromatic nuclei and basophilic cytoplasm, occupy a peripheral position. Intermediate vitelline cells (Vi) are characterised by the presence of brownish shell protein globules in the cytoplasm, while the mature vitelline cells (Vm) bulge with unstained glycogen, in addition to the shell protein globules, and are displaced towards the centre of the follicle, as they move to the efferent duct. P = parenchyma; G = gut; Ts = tegumental syncytium; Tc = tegumental cell bodies. (b) Fasciola hepatica: Histology of vitelline follicles of a TCBZ-sensitive fluke collected from a sheep two days after treatment with TCBZ. The vast majority of the vitelline cells remaining in the follicles are mature (Vm), containing unstained glycogen and shell protein globules. At the periphery of the follicles vacuolation is marked, and there are numerous rounded, isolated, dense eosinophilic bodies (unlabelled arrows), probably representing stem cells and undifferentiated vitelline cells. P = parenchyma; G = gut; Ts = tegumental syncytium; Tc = tegumental cell bodies; (c) Vitelline follicles of a TCBZ-sensitive fluke collected from a sheep two days after treatment with TCBZ. The section was treated by the TUNEL method to demonstrate apoptosis. The mature vitelline cells (Vm) and intermediate cells (Vi) are unlabelled, but dense deposits of brown reaction product are associated with the rounded eosinophilic bodies at the periphery of the follicles, indicating apoptosis in the stem cells and/or undifferentiated vitelline cells (Vs). P = parenchyma; G = gut; Ts = tegumental syncytium; Tc = tegumental cell bodies.

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