What is full form if OP?
What is noob,bot,pro, hacker
PO is Probationary Officer
OP = Over Powered
Noob = Someone who is very bad at a game.
Bot = In several video games, there are AI-powered players known as bots, designed to supplemet the playing experience. This term is also used to refer to someone as an insult that he/she is so bad at the game that they're comparable to the AI-powered players, because usually, AI-powered players don't really play in a proper manner.
Pro = Refers to someone who is very good at something. Stands for Proffessional.
Hacker = Refers to someone who has the ability to gain unauthorised access to a system or systems. Can be used in the context of video games for someone who has gained some special in-game ability wither by hacking the game's server or using cheats.