Physics, asked by aimless2, 1 year ago

What is gravity? how it works? How gravity causes things fall? How gravity works at quantum level? why it is not repulsive? how it affects the time?


Answered by Vishalk
gravity means the univerEvery time you jump, you experience gravity. It pulls you back down to the ground. Without gravity, you'd float off into the atmosphere -- along with all of the other matter on Earth.

You see gravity at work any time you drop a book, step on a scale or toss a ball up into the air. It's such a constant presence in our lives, we seldom marvel at the mystery of it -- but even with several well-received theories out there attempting to explain why a book falls to the ground (and at the same rate as a pebble or a couch, at that), they're still just theories. The mystery of gravity's pull is pretty much intact.sal force of attraction acting between all matter. The gravitational constant at the quantum level leads to a very much smaller force than the forces the elementary particles see in their vicinity, in order of strength:

weak, electromagnetic, strong

Answered by Albert01
Hi freind!
Nice question I was waiting for it.
So the answer goes like this

NEWTON described gravity as the force which acts between every particles in the universe. he described that gravity is one of the fundamental force of nature.
he said every particles in the universe attracts each other by a force which he called it gravity which is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of distance between them. but his assumptions was wrong. even he couldn't describe it's mechanism.
Newton's law of gravitation is wrong, because it cannot account for a number of phenomena we observe in the universe around us, such as the perhelion advance of Mercury, or the bending of starlight near the limb of the Sun. Newtonian gravitation is an approximation to a broader theory, the general theory of relativity. which is not, as far as we know today, in error. In the limit of low gravitational field strengths and low velocities, general relativity and Newtonian gravitation theory are indistinguishable.any theory is provisional in the sense that it is a hypothesis. it doesn't matter how many times the result of experiment aggrees
with the theory's prediction. on the other hand if you find even a single phenomenon of which result theory can't predict, the theory will be proved wrong.

Newtons laws are correct for speeds < 0.01c(c=speed of light) but once we cross this border, Einsteins Special Relativity must be used. The Einstein's theory of gravitation, the theory of general relativity, is more accurate than Newton's law of gravitation. Experimentally, Newton's law of gravitation has been proved wrong due to for example the anomalous perihelion precession of Mercury, which matches instead with Einstein's theory of gravity.

Now what is Einstein's theory of gravity.
He said gravity is not a force at all. he said that acceleration and gravity are the same things. he also described the mechanism of gravity. according to him gravity is just a effect of distortion of space time due to mass or energy.
A massive object generates a gravitational field by warping the geometry of the surroundingspacetime.
Spacetime in the presence of masses is curved.he said matter tells space time how to curve and space time tells matter how to move.

How gravity works?
as Einstein described that when any mass distorts the space time it generates a gravitational field.

Now I am giving u another explanation how gravity works. this explanation
shows how electricity and magnetism work together to produce the force of Gravity. let's take the example of hydrogen and helium atom. both the atom generates a helically polarized electromagnetic radiation and bombard each other drawing them toward each other. gravity radiation causes the nucleus spin axially and at the same time the electrons of both the atoms and in turn of that atoms generates helically polarized electromagnetic radiation both the atom spin axially in the same direction and the force are additive.

Quantum description of gravity
gravity is just the exchange of bosons named as graviton according to quantum mechanics.
but I have a counter agreement against this theory.
when we think of gravity as an exchange of bosons. there are problems. we have said that you can think of exchange of graviton between matter particle and earth particle. but because all these gravitons Are also exchanging graviton among themselves mathematically this is messy business.

according to me it is an illusion or phenomenon created by all the forces of nature when they work together.

why it is not repulsive?
because gravity is not a force at all

hope it helped u

Nikki57: Great!
Albert01: thanks
Albert01: agreement not arguement
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