what is greenhouse effect
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A place where heat is trapped which is made up of glasses enclosure, which helps the plant which lives in extremely cold climates, helps them to survive and protect them from the cold.
Greenhouses have gotta their name as atmospheric phenomenon. Some of the gases prevent the escape of heat from the Earth. If the level of such gases would cause to the increase of the temperature of the Earth.
For example : - Carbon dioxide is of the greenhouse gas. An increase in the carbon dioxide will increase the average temperature of the Earth.
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Greenhouse Effect
Carbon dioxide absorbs Terrestrial radiation and radiates it back to the earth. This trapping of energy by carbon dioxide in the atmosphere produces what is called the "Greenhouse Effect". Due to this affect the temperature of Earth increases during the days. Gases like nitrous oxide, water vapour, Methane in the atmosphere act like carbon dioxide and traps sunlight leading to greenhouse effect. These gases are called greenhouse gases.
The greenhouse effect is somewhat similar to the condition seen in the greenhouses used to cultivate plants by commercial agriculturors or gardners. A Greenhouse is a building made of glass or plastic to allow only the required amount of Sunlight for photosynthesis in plant.
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