What is heart wood and Sapwood ?
☆ Sapwood is the living, outermost portion of a woody stem or branch, while heartwood is the dead, inner wood, which often comprises the majority of a stem's cross-section.
☆ Sapwood is the outer layer of a branch or limb that is still living. ... As the tree ages, the innermost layers of sapwood turn to heartwood, which is no longer living and does not transport nutrients. Sapwood usually has a lighter color than the heartwood that it surrounds.
☆ In young trees and young parts of older trees, all of the wood in the stem is sapwood.
☆ But as the tree gets older and its trunk increases in diameter, things change.
☆ No longer is the entire cross-section of the trunk needed for conducting sap.
☆ This, combined with an increased need for structural support, causes significant changes in the wood.
☆ The cells nearest the center of the trunk die, but they remain mostly intact.
☆ As these older sapwood cells age and die, they become heartwood.
☆ That is, they are altered to accommodate a shift in function.
☆ As residues of the once-living cells and additional chemical compounds from elsewhere in the plant accumulate in the heartwood, those cells cease to transport water or store energy reserves.

What is heart wood and Sapwood ?
Sapwood is the living, outermost portion of a woody stem or branch, while heartwood is the dead, inner wood, which often comprises the majority of a stem’s cross-section.
Such woods are highly prized largely because of their colored heartwoods.
Hope it will be helpful :)....✍️