What is heart? Write its function and structure
Heya Mate......................
Here is your answer...........................
Human Heart:-
The human heart is an important muscular organ involved in pumping blood to different parts of the body with the help of three segments of the circulatory system:
1).The pulmonary circulation ( heart and lungs ).
2).The systemic circulation (body systems).
3).The coronary circulation (blood vessels of the heart).
Its Functions:-
==> It is a four chambered structure consisting - the right auricle , the left auricle, right ventricle and left ventricle.
==> The Auricles are smaller and placed above the ventricles. Auricles are partitioned by a muscular called septum.
==> The heart collects blood through both the auricles and then distributes it through ventricles. The action of heart includes contraction and relaxation of the auricles and ventricles.
==> A contraction of heart is called systole and diastole. The contraction and relaxation occur in an automatic rhythmic fashion. The auricles and ventricles contract alternately. The rhythmic contraction and relaxation of heart is called a heart beat.

Heart is located in the thoracic cavity , in between the two lungs slightly tilted to the left.
It is derived from mesoderm and has the size of clenched fist,
Heart is protected by a double walled membranous bag called pericardium.
Pericardium consists of 2 layers ,outer parietal pericardium and an inner visceral pericardium attached to the heart.A space called pericardial cavity is present between two layers which is filled with fluid called pericardial fluid .
Pericardium protects the heart from shocks and mechanical injuries.
Our heart is divided into 4 chambers two relatively small chambers called atrium and two larger lower chambers called ventricles
The right and left atrium is separated by THIN muscular Interatrial septum