what is hemophilia what are its symptoms
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➻ Hemophilia is a disorder in which a person’s blood does not clot normally, which can lead to spontaneous or excessive bleeding.
➻ Common symptoms of hemophilia include:
- Bleeding into the joints.
- Bleeding into the skin (bruising) or into muscle.
- Bleeding of the mouth and gums, and bleeding that is difficult to stop after losing a tooth
- Bleeding after circumcision
- Bleeding after having shots or vaccines
- Bleeding in the head of an infant after the baby is delivered
- Blood in the urine or stool...
Answered by
- a disease that causes a person to bleed a lot even from very small injuries because the blood does not clot
- A disorder in which blood doesn't clot normally.
- When blood can't clot properly, excessive bleeding (external and internal) occurs after any injury or damage.
Symptoms Treatments Specialists
Requires a medical diagnosis
- Symptoms include many large or deep bruises, joint pain and swelling, unexplained bleeding and blood in urine or stool.
People may experience:
- Pain areas: in the joints
- Also common: bleeding, blood in stool, blood in urine, bruising, heavy or prolonged periods, internal bleeding, nosebleed, or swollen joint

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