What is heterotrophic
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It is a nutrition in which organism obtain their food from other organisms :)
Eg:-Human beings,Cow,Dog etc
Eg:-Human beings,Cow,Dog etc
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Explained Answer:
The word "Heterotrophic" means that the Organism doesn't prepare its own Food and is dependent on other organims for Food.
(i) It involves the intake of Complex Materials prepared by Organisms.
(ii) There are three types of Heterotrophic Nutrition:
a) Holozic: The organisms takes the complex Organic food materials by the process of Ingestion.
Ex: Human Beings
b) Saprophytic: The organisms dervie their food from the body of another Living organsims without killing it.
Ex: Leech
c) Parasitic: The organisms obtain its food from decaying or Organic matter of dead plants, Dead Animals.
Ex: Fungi
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