What is heterotrophic nutrition?
There are mainly two types of nutrition based on our dependence of food. They are
1) Autotrophic
2) Heterotrophic.
Autotrophic nutrition is a nutrition in which the organism prepares its own food but not depending on other.
Heterotrophic nutrition is a nutrition in which the organism depends on other to get food. Eg.animals and human
Heterotrophic Nutrition :-
Its a mode of nutrition in which organisms obtain ready made food from environment.
Types of Heterotrophic Nutrition:-
1. Saprophytic:- Its a mode of heterotrophic nutrition where the food is obtained from organic remains that's dead organisms, fallen leaves, food articles etc.
Most of the saprophytes are fungi.
eg:- Bread mould.
2.Parasitic:- Its a mode of heterotrophic nutrition in which a living organism obtains food from living organism of another species.
Some of the parasites cause disease and are known as pathogens.
eg:- Trypanosoma
3.Holozoic:- Its a mode of nutrition which involves consumption of solid food.
eg- in herbivores, carnivores, omnivores
- Herbivore:- They feed on plants. eg:- cow
- Carnivore:- They feed on other animals. eg:- Lion
- Omnivore:- They feed on both plants and animals. eg:- human beings