Science, asked by NITHINGOWDA721, 10 months ago

what is homologous organs ​


Answered by Potenz

Homologous organs- organs having same basic structure origin and development but different function.

Eg: Forelimbs of a horse and a human; they have the same structure,origin and development but the function differs. In horse it's for moving from one place to other whereas in humans it's for clutching an object.

Hope it helps! :)

Answered by Anonymous


(1) Homologous organs are those organs which are structurally similar but functionally dissimilar

E.g i) Forelimbs of frog. lizard, bird, bat, whale and man are homologous to each other. All the limbs are morphologically similar in construction such as similar limb bones but are dissimilar in function. frog limbs are meant for hopping, lizard limbs help in crawling, birds and bats fly with the help of forelimbs while whale uses it for Swimming and man for handling the objects.

(ii) Vertebrate heart and brain.

(iii) In plants, thorns of Bougainvillea and tendrils of Cucurbita represent homology

(2) The structural similarities belween the homologous organs indicate that they have a common ancestry.

(3) Diferent homologous organs indicate divergent evolution or adaptive radiation.

(4) Homologous organs help in tracing the phylogenetdc relationships.

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