Science, asked by krishna7885, 1 year ago

what is humus ? how many types of humus?


Answered by SomnathNandi


Humus is the organic component of soil, formed by the decomposition of leaves and other plant material by soil microorganisms.

Answered by rajeswariraja720




As decomposition of dead plant matter and animals occurs, nutrients held within the plant matter or animal is released to the soil. This end result of the decomposition is known as humus. This humus represents up to 1 to 5% of the dry weight of the soil. Because it is rich with nutrients, humus can be extremely valuable to the plant.


A types of humus in terrestrial environment are following:




Mor is a type of humus, which occur largely in coniferous forest soils and the moorlands  soils. This humus arise under conditions of low-biological activity in soil. The mineralization of  organic matter proceed slowly and create layers, which maintain a structure of vegetable material.Acidophilic fungi and low active invertebrates participates in transformations of plant residues. Under these circumstances forms a litter of large thickness.

Moder is a transitional form of humus between mull and moder, characteristic for  sod-podzolic soils, loesses and mountain grassland soils. The organic horizons with moder humus consist of low-thicknessed which  gradually, without bounds, pass on to humus-accumulative horizons. Moder is a type of medium humified humus. Acidophilic fungi and arthropodan  participates in transformations of plant residues. C/N ratio equal 15-25. Produced mineral-organic complexes are labile and weakly bounded with mineral portion of soil.

Mull is a type of humus characteristic for chestnut soils, phaeozems, rendzinas and others  soils. This type of humus arise under grass vegetation.  Mull is a well humified organic matter, which is produce in very biologically active  habitat. This type of humus is characterized by neutral pH, C/N ratio nearing to 10 and ability to creation stable mineral-organic complexes. Mull is a type of humus which occurs in soils under cultivation.

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