What is Internet? Write its berief History?
Internet is a network of networks which consists of inter-connected networks. It is a worldwide network of computers that uses common communication standards and interfaces to provide the physical backbone for a number of interesting applications.
History of Internet:
The Internet originated with the development of computers during the period from 1950s to 1960s.
1962: It was in 1962 when J.C.R Liklider first coined the concept of intergalactic network of networked computers after ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency) was created by US Government and packet switching was introduced by Leonard Kleinrock.
1964-1967: A typical packet switching network was created by Donald watts Davies at National physical laboratory, Britain which revolutionizes the data communications in various fields. Additionally the message blocks concept was also passed during data communications by Paul Baran from Rand corporation, US.
1965: It was the year when first WAN or Wide area network was created connecting through long distance dial-up between TX-2 computer in Massachusetts and Q-32 computer in California. The packet switching term also comes into existence for better data communications
1969: Finally after all the proposals, fundings, designs and first paper packet switching the ARPAnet’s structure proposal was written to design the network structure. The physical interface message processor (IMP) was designed that links to four different universities and data packets are send between networked computers. The first attempt was not successful with the letter G of Login was entered. But in second attempt it gives a positive response.
1972: After the Internet protocols were implemented and first IP connectivity was created, the IMP network also rapidly increases with 23 hosts. Eventually the e-mail or electronic mail was introduced by Ray Tomlinson that can send messages across distributed networks. Packet switching was done by connecting 20 different computers and first Internet address registry was created.
1973: Now it is the era where first TCP/IP protocol and Ethernet was invented that interconnects various computer networks for communicating with each other. The TCP allows the users to login to a remote computer and download files.
1982: The first Internet connection was established in Asia by Kilnam Chon which is known as SDN and later termed as Internet.
1983: The first DNS or Domain name system was introduced with network addresses to identify an organization by .edu, .com, .org etc.
1984: The first UNIX network was developed in Japan and first e-mail received in Germany.
1988: The first Internet exchange point was established by connecting TCP/IP networks and first commercial and non-commercial Internet networks. It was also the year when first ISP or Internet Service provider was created by Daniel Karrenberg.
1989: It is the time when Internet is growing worldwide and Dr. Stephen Goldstein plays an important role of evaluating and funding for development of Internet. It then helps to connect about 25 countries to NSFNET. After then the first WWW or World Wide Web was created by Berners-Lee and a first web-browser application for Mac OS.
1991: In this year the World Wide Web is available for public use over the Internet that has loads of information in various fields.