Hindi, asked by rinzinnamgyal9685, 1 year ago

What is ip address in hindi internet addressing technology?


Answered by ashifhasan987
आईपी एड्रेस क्या होता है IP Address (internet Protocol) definition in HindiIP Address definition : IP Address का मतलब or full form है – Internet Protocol. यह एक Numerical label होता है जो की नेटवर्क की सभी devices (I.e. computers, printers etc) को identify करने के लिए use करते है | कोई भी IP address मुख्य तौर से दो काम करता है, एक तो होस्ट और नेटवर्क interface को identification के लिए एवं दूसरा डिवाइस की location identify करने के लिए |  Read Also – What is IPv6 and explain difference between IPv4 and IPv6Read Also – आईपी एड्रेस कैसे पता करे  जब desingers ने IP Address को डिज़ाइन किया था तो IP Address एक 32 bit number था एवं इस सिस्टम को IPv4 कहा गया | लेकिन अब इंटरनेट की ग्रोथ की वजस से 32 bit number system मे जो IP Addresses थे वो कम पड़ने लग गए तो designers ने एक new IP Address system लांच किया जिसको IPv6 कहा जाता है | हालांकि अभी भी IPV4 बहुत popular है एवं use मे है लकिन future मे यह IPV6 मे convert हो जायेगा | नया IP system IPv6 128 bit address है एवं ये 1995 मे develop किया गया था | IPv6 को standardized 1998 मे किया गया जबकि deployment mid २००० से start किया गया |  Example of IPv4 address –

Example of IPv6 Address –  2001:db8:0:1234:0:567:8:1

Answered by Anonymous

IP - Internet protocol address

IP address is a numerical number assigned to each device which is connected to computer network or internet. Like cities and colonies have their own addresses, same like that, Computer is also assigned with the particular IP address. Which helps to find the computer's location or address. IP address is short form of Internet protocol. The communication between two computers occurs due to internet protocol.

There are mainly 2 versions of Internet protocol:

i) IPV 4 : This describes that, IP address is a 32 bit number; Limits space to 2³² IP addresses; 18 Million private; Remaining Public.

ii) IPV 6 : This describes that, IP address is 128 bit number; Latest version of IP address; Limits space to 3.403×10^38 IP addresses.

As internet is growing very rapidly, So, It was necessary to create a new version of IP address. Hence, IPV 6 was developed in 1998. Today's most of the devices uses IPV 6 for communication and data transferring.

IP address assignment:

IP addresses are managed/provided globally by institution "Internet Assigned Numbers Authority" (IANA). This institution provides the IP address to device which is connected with network. IP address in standard form is written as Eg:, etc.

With the help of IP address, We can find/locate any computer or mobile device that is connected to network. IP address is also very useful for police and other institutions to find criminals and some people. If someone is doing hacking, then it is possible to find his/her location using his/her IP address.

There are about 4.3 Billion internet devices in the world. Each device is provided with unique IP address. Every IP address is different and unique. Hence, it is possible to find the information about any device using IP address.

Function: IP address have it's two functions; It identifies the host; Provides location to Host. An IP address indicates that, "where the device is?".

Private IP

Private IP address is just a type of network which is normally used to communicate within the network. This address works only in LAN. This type of IP's are free of cost. And, this are provided by the network administrator. To find our Private IP address, we can use "ipconfig" command on CMD. Or we can Log in our network and see IP of all the devices connected to network.

Private IP ranges between:

  • –
  • –
  • –


Public IP:

Public IP is normally used for communicating outside the network. This kind of IP's are managed and provided by ISP and IANA. It can be used to connect any type of network. This IP's are not free of cost. To know our Public IP, we can use various websites available on internet. Or we can search as "what is my IP" on any search engine.

Public IP ranging: There are about 4 Billion public IP's. Hence, there is not any ranging for public IP addresses. Most of this IP addresses are in the written like "", "".


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