what is land use state the factors affecting land use
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Considering the Effective Factors on Land Use Changes in the Villages Around Metropolises (Case Study: City Of Rasht, Khomam Rural)
Reza Samimi Sharami*, Seyyed Rahim Moshiri, Masoud Mahdavi, Parviz Kardavani
Department of Geography, Faculty of humanities and social sciences, Tehran, science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CWE.9.2.34
Land use in villages around metropolises, especially in fertile areas such as Guilan plain, is experiencing basic changes. Mutual dependence between the metropolis and its surrounding villages will change rural perspective to urban one and it leads to change rural functions and structures. This review is in the area of Rasht metropolis and about Khomam rural land use changes during 1966-2013. In this study, research method is descriptive analytical, the data in use is observed through documents and evidences (the oldest and newest map of Khomam rural), and questionnaires and interviews are collected. Research results indicate a significant change in agricultural and horticultural lands and an increase in constructed lands and roadways. This research has tested different indices in order to considering and determining effective factors on land use change. According to research founding, 21 factors have the most effects on agricultural and horticultural land use respectively and 4 factors have the most effects on land use in order to staying unchanged, respectively.
Land Use Changes; Effective Factors; Metropolises Outskirt Lands; Rasht Metropolis; Khomam Rura
Reza Samimi Sharami*, Seyyed Rahim Moshiri, Masoud Mahdavi, Parviz Kardavani
Department of Geography, Faculty of humanities and social sciences, Tehran, science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CWE.9.2.34
Land use in villages around metropolises, especially in fertile areas such as Guilan plain, is experiencing basic changes. Mutual dependence between the metropolis and its surrounding villages will change rural perspective to urban one and it leads to change rural functions and structures. This review is in the area of Rasht metropolis and about Khomam rural land use changes during 1966-2013. In this study, research method is descriptive analytical, the data in use is observed through documents and evidences (the oldest and newest map of Khomam rural), and questionnaires and interviews are collected. Research results indicate a significant change in agricultural and horticultural lands and an increase in constructed lands and roadways. This research has tested different indices in order to considering and determining effective factors on land use change. According to research founding, 21 factors have the most effects on agricultural and horticultural land use respectively and 4 factors have the most effects on land use in order to staying unchanged, respectively.
Land Use Changes; Effective Factors; Metropolises Outskirt Lands; Rasht Metropolis; Khomam Rura
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Land is among the most important natural colours only about 30 percentage of the total area of the Earth surface and all the parts of the small percent or not habitable
Land use
land is used for different purposes such as agriculture Forestry mining building houses roads on setting up Industries this common termed as land use
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