What is Life? Is life exist on Pluto?

In simple language , life is a mixture of chemical reactions , energy and matter .
Life is nothing but an extraordinary instance of chemical reactions which leads to birth of living beings .
Here are a few things about life :
↪ Life is the property of a living being which helps us to distinguish between the living and the non-living .
↪ Life is the property of an organism to carry out metabolic functions .
↪ Life is the aspect which helps us to continue the process of life ( by reproduction / formation of new lives ) .
Life does not exist on Pluto :
↪ First of all , the temperature of Pluto is very low .
↪ The temperature is very less because the distance of Pluto from the Sun is enormous .
↪ The low temperature does not support life .
↪ The Pluto does not have the atmosphere of oxygen which is around the Earth and hence there will be no life .
↪ Even if some anaeorbic bacteria exists , it will die due to the lack of water .
↪ The meteorites rain on the dwarf planet and hence life cannot be safe and secure .
What is life?:
Life is a mixture of chemical components, organ systems, matter and energy. We can say that, life is just a type of matter which exists.
Life is given only for living organisms. While, Non living organism don't have life. Our life carry out with the help of organs. There are 6 organ systems in human body. which carry out the all functions of our body.
In the definition of life, we can say that life is a existence of an individual human being or animal.
Is life exist on Pluto?:
The answer to this question is scientifically NO. Because of not only low temperature of Pluto. But also, Because of having large distance from earth, No Heat and No Energy from SUN.
As well as, there is no oxygen on Pluto. Also, Pluto has very high temperature. Because of which, it is not easy to live life on Pluto.
One of the main reason for not having life is Atmosphere also. There is no atmosphere in Pluto. Because of which also, it became again impossible to live life on Pluto.