Science, asked by ragini171983, 1 year ago

what is light?and it is formed?


Answered by linasunil85


light is a source of energy which we can able to see things light travels in a straight line which is also called rectilinear propagation light .when the light from a source falls on a body a part of it bounce off or get reflected


it it is formed by our eyes

Answered by ashu2537

here is ur answer .

hope it helps you ..

light is a form of energy light is needed to see things around as we are able to see the beautiful world around us because of light we can read a book see pictures in the magazines and watch television and movie due to the existence of light and it is light which makes us see our image in the mirror.

defect light with our eyes light and I will ask to see object from which it comes out from which it is reflected for example the sun gives out light we can see the sun because the light coming out from the sun enters to our eyes and object like the sun other stars electric bulb tube light torch candle and fire etc which EMIT their own light call the luminous object those object which do not EMIT light themselves but only reply the light which falls on them are know as non luminous object

light travels in a straight line.

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