English, asked by monish3826, 9 months ago

what is love and preservation​


Answered by drishaybhatia2607


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Answered by kochedaksh06


Be young at heart and flirt with your partner every chance you get. Here are some suggestions:

If you’re a guy:

Atleast once in a month, buy her flowers.

Atleast once in a month, go out on a date (if you have kids, excuse yourself from being a daddy and be a hubby ONLY). Go for a movie + dinner date. Shave, dress smartly on the date. Your woman would then feel proud to walk next to you.

On weekends cook along with your wife, if you don’t already. Or instead, offer to cook and give her some rest. You have enough and more recipies online for you to check and cook by yourself. Just the effort is needed.

Spend some alone time with your wife / girlfriend on a daily basis. The alone time could either be just talking to each other about the day, or watching a movie, reading a book, etc.

Maintain personal hygiene. Dress smart. Be well-presentable.

Make love every chance you get! It is the binding factor for us all!

If you’re a girl:

Prepare yummy treats / meals for your man, he will love you more for it.

Dress nicely. A visual treat is always welcome.

Maintain personal hygiene, he would not hesitate to come closer.

Don’t be over-demanding on clothes / shoes / accessories, if he truly loves you, it is in every man’s nature to gift you things automatically. Work on that instead.

Be romantic - when you can then simply fall into his arms, stare into his eyes, kiss him, hug him. Whatever awkwardness is there will vanish immediately.

If you can, please maintain the house neatly and tidily. Coming home to a messy house is very irritating after a long day’s work.

Make love to your man every day! Be passionate and throw out the awkwardness.

This is not all, there is a lot more, which is specific to each person. You are the best judge when it comes to your life.

What matters most is that, no matter what, put your relationship at the top! Nothing comes before that, nothing is more important.

If the relationship goes sour:

kids will go out of control

peace of mind will leave you

constant fights / arguments / disagreements will be in place

comfort zone is lost

health gets deteriorated

life gets too boring when there’s nothing to do other than career / sports (or whatever it is you do other than being a family person)

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