What is Majoritarianism? How it has led to alienation of majority community in Sri Lanka?
Majoritarianism is a belief that the majority community can rule in whichever way it wants by even undermining the rights of the minority.
It led to alienation of Tamils in Sri Lanka as :
Buddhism was fostered
Sinhala became national language
Sinahlese were preferred for jobs and education
halo friends,
The dominance of majority community to rule the country in whichever way it wants totally disregarding the wishes and needs of minority community is known as majoritarianism
1) In sri Lanka mainly there are two communities- Sinhalese and Tamils the leaders of the Sinhalese community sought to secure dominance over the govt by virtue of their majority. Sinhalese has been recognized as the official language of the country by disregarding
2) Government followed a preferential policy favoring Sinhalese in university portions and govt jobs.
3) The govt encouraged and protected Buddhism The distrust has turned into a civil war that has caused a set back to social cultural and economic life of Sri Lanka.