what is matrices, tell how many types of matrices
The various types of matrices are row matrix, column matrix, null matrix, square matrix, diagonal matrix, upper triangular matrix, lower triangular matrix, symmetric matrix, and antisymmetric matrix. Question 3: Explain a scalar matrix? Answer: The scalar matrix is similar to a square matrix.
Matrices are classified according to the number of rows and columns, and the specific elements therein.
(i) Row Matrix: A matrix which has exactly one row is called a row matrix.
(ii) Column Matrix: A matrix which has exactly one column is called a column matrix.
::In mathematics, a matrix is a rectangular array or table of numbers, symbols, or expressions, arranged in rows and columns.
*Types of matrices*
::The various types of matrices are row matrix, column matrix, null matrix, square matrix, diagonal matrix, upper triangular matrix, lower triangular matrix, symmetric matrix, and antisymmetric matrix.
*Hope you understand* thn like me