what is mean by rock
What is Rock?
A hard substance formed by the assembly of one or more inorganic minerals is called Rock.
What is Mineral?
Minerals are naturally occurring inorganic substances which may be made of atoms of a single element or more than one element but having a definite chemical composition.
Classification of Rocks:
1. Igneous Rocks:
The igneous rocks are formed from the cooling and solidification of extremely hot and molten material, pushed up from the interior of the Earth.
For example:
(a) Gabbro
(b) Basalt
(c) White Granite
2. Sedimentary rocks:
The rocks formed by the deposition of particles(sediments) by the flowing water or wind are called sedimentary rocks
For example:
(a) Mud Stone
(b) Shale
(c) Sandstone
(d) Limestone
(e) Dolomite
3. Metamorphic Rocks:
The rocks formed by the action of the intense heat and pressure on sedimentary rocks, such as their structure and texture change completely, are called metamorphic rocks.
For example:
(a) Slate
(b) Marble
(c) Quartz
Characteristics of Minerals:
1. Mineral have a definite chemical composition.
2. Each mineral has a characteristic crystalline structure, which depends upon the arrangement of atoms in three dimensional pattern.
3. Minerals have a characteristic luster, colour, hardness and specific gravity.
Some Common Minerals And their Uses:
1. Gemstones
2. Common salt
3. Talc
4. Plaster of paris
5. Chalk
6. Lime