Art, asked by sheshraomendhelakhan, 1 year ago

what is mean by solastic day


Answered by Anonymous


either of the two times of the year at which the sun reaches its highest or lowest point in the sky at midday, marked by the longest and shortest days

वर्ष में मध्‍याह्न बेला में सूर्य का उच्‍चतम या निम्‍नतम बिंदु पर पहुँचने का समय (जो वर्ष के सबसे बड़े या सबसे छोटे दिन के रूप में प्रकट होता है); अयनांत

Answered by sri288

A solstice is an event occurring when the Sun appears to reach its most northerly or southerly excursion relative to the celestial equator on the celestial sphere. Two solstices occur annually, around June 21 and December 21. In many countries, the seasons of the year are determined by reference to the solstices and the equinoxes.

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