what is meaning of arbitrary
not seeming to be based on any reason or plan and sometimes seeming unfair
बिना तर्क, नियम या योजना पर आधारित और कभी-कभी अनुचित; मनमाना, स्वेच्छाचारी
Arbitrary is to decide something important based on chance, just like that without any proper reasoning or evaluation. Usually arbitrary decisions are wrong and have grave consequences in offices and businesses.
We decided to go to Mangalore arbitrarily.
He decides arbitrarily and puts us, his subordinates, in trouble.
There is another similar meaning for arbitrary that is when arbitrary is used to describe a person in power. Here it means the person uses his power for his self needs and rules his people like a dictator. The people's welfare are given a back seat. A tyrannical rule is called arbitrarical rule. Like Hitler, Idi Amin..
The people of Uganda suffered under Idi Amin’s arbitrarical rule.