what is meant by blood? element, compound, mixture.
Blood is a complex mixture of compounds, including the plasma and red and white blood cells. Chemically, they are proteins, or hydrocarbons. Hemoglobin in red blood cells carries oxygen for respiration by means of an iron atom that it part of its structure. “
Blood is a complex mixture of compounds, including the plasma and red and white blood cells. Chemically, they are proteins, or hydrocarbons.
Hemoglobin in red blood cells carries oxygen for respiration by means of an iron atom that it part of its structure. “Hemoglobin is made up of four protein molecules (globulin chains) that are connected together. Each globulin chain contains an important iron-containing porphyrin compound termed heme. Embedded within the heme compound is an iron atom that is vital in transporting oxygen and carbon dioxide in our blood. The iron contained in hemoglobin is also responsible for the red color of blood.”