What is meant by co operative industries
A cooperative (also known as co-operative, co-op, or coop) is "an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social, and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly-owned and democratically-controlled enterprise".
=Cooperatives may include:
1. businesses owned and managed by the people who use their services (a consumer cooperative)
2. organizations managed by the people who work there (worker cooperatives)
3. multi-stakeholder or hybrid cooperatives that share ownership between different stakeholder groups. For example, care cooperatives where ownership is shared between both care-givers and receivers. Stakeholders might also include non-profits or investors.
4. second- and third-tier cooperatives whose members are other cooperatives
5. platform cooperatives that use a cooperatively owned and governed website, mobile app or a protocol to facilitate the sale of goods and services.