what is meant by parliamentary
A system of government having the real executive power vested in a cabinet composed of members of the legislature who are individually and collectively responsible to the legislature has a democratically elected parliamentary government.
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Definition of parliamentary government
: a system of government having the real executive power vested in a cabinet composed of members of the legislature who are individually and collectively responsible to the legislature
has a democratically elected parliamentary government
Examples of parliamentary government in a Sentence
Recent Examples on the Web
The key document comes from February 1953, five months before British and U.S. spies helped overthrow the parliamentary government led by Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh.
— NBC News, "A message from 'Queen Elizabeth' to the shah played role in CIA 1953 coup in Iran, documentary says," 5 June 2020
In a hyperpolarized system such as ours (as opposed to a European parliamentary government), what seem to be inevitable political coalitions are just as often post hoc frameworks grafted on top of marriages of convenience.
— Thomas Chatterton Williams, Harper's magazine, "An Incoherent Truth," 20 Jan. 2020
Britain’s sea power, imperialism, parliamentary government, and majority-Protestant religion set it apart from its European neighbors — and not just because of its geographical isolation.
— Victor Davis Hanson, National Review, "Is England Still Part of Europe?," 12 Sep. 2019
His narrative began with Carl Schmitt, a German political thinker who sharply criticized not just the Weimar Republic, but also the basic tenets of liberal democracy and parliamentary government.
— Matt Ford, The New Republic, "Liberalism Is at a Crossroads, Not a Dead End," 12 Sep. 2019
This is now the most absurd depth British parliamentary government has plumbed since the English Civil War in the mid-17th century.
— Conrad Black, National Review, "The Roots of Brexit," 9 Sep. 2019
If the vote passes, a new regional parliamentary government will be established and receive an annual block grant from national authorities.
— Jake Maxwell Watts, WSJ, "Muslims in the Philippines Emerge From the Fog of War to Vote on Self-Rule," 18 Jan. 2019
Americans in 1776 did not revolt against the developing parliamentary government in London.
— George Melloan, WSJ, "Is ‘First, Kill All the Lawyers’ the Democrats’ New Credo?," 12 Oct. 2018
Mr Sargsyan had exploited Armenia’s shift from presidential to parliamentary government to keep himself in power after completing his second and final presidential term.
— The Economist, "People power pushes out Armenia’s boss, who was trying to do a Putin," 26 Apr. 2018