English, asked by meaow2007, 10 months ago

What is meant by Tafseer, Ijma and Qiyas?


Answered by afifa2008ahmad


Tafsir refers to exegesis, usually of the Quran. An author of a tafsir is a mufassir. A Quranic tafsir attempts to provide elucidation, explanation, interpretation, context or commentary for clear understanding and conviction of God's will.

jmāʿ, (Arabic: “consensus”) in Islamic law, the universal and infallible agreement of either the Muslim community as a whole or Muslim scholars in particular.

Qiyas, Arabic qiyās, in Islamic law, analogical reasoning as applied to the deduction of juridical principles from the Qurʾān and the Sunnah (the normative practice of the community). With the Qurʾān, the Sunnah, and ijmāʿ (scholarly consensus), it constitutes the four sources of Islamic jurisprudence

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