Geography, asked by AMIT12521, 1 year ago

What is meat by vasundhara din


Answered by chaure00

वसुंधरा दिन हा पर्यावरणविषयक कार्यक्रमांना पाठबळ देण्याचा पाया आहे. त्यामुळे पर्यावरण संवर्धनाच्या सार्वजनिक वचनबद्धतेला पुन्हा एकदा संजीवनी मिळते. हा दिन साजरा करण्यामुळे जगभर व्यापक वैविध्यपूर्ण कार्यक्रम आणि उपक्रम राबवण्यासाठी सामाजिक चालना मिळते. वसुंधरा दिन हा जगातील सर्वाधिक मोठा कार्यक्रम आहे. भिन्न पार्श्‍वभूमी, श्रद्धा, विश्‍वास आणि राष्ट्रीयत्व असलेले जगभरातील सर्व लोक हा दिन साजरा करतात. या कार्यक्रमात दरवर्षी एक अब्जाहून अधिक लोक सहभागी होतात. यातून समाज विकास आणि पर्यावरण संरक्षण कार्यक्रमांद्वारे काम करणार्‍या हजारो कार्यकर्त्यांशी वर्षभर समन्वय साधला जातो. जागतिक पातळीवरील पर्यावरणवादी कार्यकर्त्यांना एकत्र जोडणार्‍या ‘अर्थ डे नेटवर्क ’(EDN) या आंतरराष्ट्रीय संघटनेने वसुंधरा दिनाच्या वाटचालीचा आढावा आपल्या संकेतस्थळावर प्रसिद्ध केला आहे. या माहितीचा संपादित भाग ‘वनराई’च्या वाचकांना उपलब्ध करून देत आहोत...

गेल्या ४५ वर्षांपासून दरवर्षी २२ एप्रिल हा दिवस ‘वसुंधरा दिन’ म्हणून जगभर साजरा केला जातो. १९७० च्या दशकामधील आधुनिक पर्यावरण चळवळीचा जन्म हा दिवस साजरा करण्यातूनच झाला, असे अनेक जण मानतात. त्या काळात अमेरिकन लोक ‘व्ही ८ सेडन’ हे भले मोठे वाहन वापरत असत. या वाहनातून वातावरणात सोडला जाणारा धूर मोठ्या प्रमाणात वायू प्रदूषण करत असे. त्याचप्रमाणे कारखान्यातूनही अनिर्बंधपणे वातावरणात विषारी धूर आणि कसल्याही प्रक्रियेविना रसायनमिश्रित पाणी आसपासच्या परिसरात सोडले जात असे. त्यांना कायद्याची किंवा माध्यमांची भीती नव्हती. लोकांकडून आणि औद्योगिक क्षेत्राकडून होणारे जल-वायू प्रदूषण याकडे ‘समृद्धीचे प्रतिक’ म्हणून अभिमानाने पाहिले जात असे.

प्रदूषणाला खरे तर मान्यताच प्राप्त झालेली होती. त्यावेळी ‘पर्यावरण’ हा शब्द वेगळ्याच कोणत्या तरी कारणाने आणि अगदी क्वचितच वापरला जात होता. पर्यावरणविषयक चिंता अमेरिकेतील मुख्य प्रवाहाच्या गावीही नव्हती. मात्र, सन १९६२ मध्ये सागरी जीवशास्त्रज्ञ राचेल कार्सन लिखित ‘सायलेंट स्प्रिंग’ हे पुस्तक न्युयार्क टाईम्सने प्रकाशित केले आणि उत्तम खपाच्या या पुस्तकाने बदलाची नांदी घडवून आणली. २४ देशांत या पुस्तकाच्या पाच लाखांहून अधिक प्रती खपल्या. या पुस्तकाच्या माध्यमातून कार्सन यांनी सजीव, पर्यावरण आणि सार्वजनिक आरोग्य यासंदर्भात केलेली जनजागृती ही तोपर्यंतच्या कोणत्याही इतर व्यक्तीच्या तुलनेत खूप अधिक होती. या वाढत्या जागृतीमधूनच सन १९७० मध्ये ‘वसुंधरा दिन’ साजरा करण्याची कल्पना पुढे आली. ही वसुंधरा दिनाची कल्पना सर्वप्रथम गेलॉर्ड नेल्सन यांनी मांडली. नेल्सन हे त्यावेळी अमेरिकेतील विस्कॉन्सिन राज्याचे सिनेटर (खासदार) होते

Answered by DodieZollner

Vasundara din or earth’s day

Today, in the light of science, the woman gave very good information by giving examples. How important are the trees in the environment How do we care for them? He also explained how to defend. When I heard about Tulsi, I immediately decided to give birth to a girl on her birthday. How is this idea? '

'very good! Otherwise Vasundhara is near the day. '

It is believed that after researching the surface of the earth, the earth was formed five hundred thousand years ago. The four surviving creatures are divided into four types of human, nine species of water, ten birds, twenty lakes, and thirty lakes. Earth, sky, air, sky and sky are in nature in this nature.

In this five-denomination, five sciences of our general behavior are included in the physical sciences in the Earth, your chemistry, technical genetics, meteorology in the sky and astronomy. In this Panchamabhum, there is nature, and as a commitment to this nature, we all live in peace and happiness in all other living nature. But in the name of development of minority development of mankind, exploiting small trees in the name of development, for its luxury.

There is a tree trunk. Animal-bird hunting bone will cause our destruction. Like a baby, we invite you to your home. Thinkers have seen this now. Therefore, from 1912 to 22 April, it is celebrated as Earth Day.

A story has been read about how this effect will be affected by the change in the natural cycle of the natural cycle. In China, the survey of rice crop was organized in China. When hummingbirds eat rice grams, there is a lot of damage to paddy. The campaign to kill the birds was taken in hand. Many birds died.

Now this year, when rice produced a lot of crop, it was very less than normal. When it came to know, it was seen that during peeling spots, peanut insects and insects were also seen. This protects the crop from them and this awareness is in our culture. This is the reason that gratitude is performed by worshiping the cows of Nagpanchami, bull, bull and vasubaras.

Tibet has said that trees should be used in our farms. Ahilyabai Holkar recognized the significance of these trees. That is why they had strict orders that each farmer would plant at least twenty trees. If a tree illegally breaks a tree, it will be severely punished.

Fortunately, people see the importance of the environment. Therefore, Richa will give tulasi plantation to girlfriends on his birthday. Keep the plants alive, save the trees, this movement spreads. People are aware of the importance of trees in their lives.

Large room is not required for plantation. I have had a real experience of Dombivli that the ground floor is a place that can be used to plant nearby trees. I have seen the flora and fauna flowing on the same day with flowers and flowers.

Once Titwala went to Ganapati Darshan once There was no rickshaw at that time. There was no hotel system. Took the philosophy of Ganapati Sit down with the right thing, sit under a tree and worship the past and gather around them. When he came home, he planted fenugreek farm. Then there was the satisfaction of seeing the sun rose rose.

In Ahmednagar, pistol rose gardens, in the mango gardens, the child should be taken in a vessel as a way of life. Even today, I am trying to preserve some green vegetation in the gallery.

Even if there is no gallery in the floor, then the garden can be grown in the window. In the window, it can be used to enhance the beauty of the house with small-sided trunk windows. Along with this, there is much relief from slums, desert areas or street vendors.

Nature of the plant-loving nature is limited to the love of animals, birds, birds, plants and the environment. But we do not know what we should do about them. For this, wildlife and environmentalists of Dombivli have started the 'Ranawata Club' initiative through the non-profit organization of the Indian Icological Foundation. Environmentalists can become members of this 'Ranvata Club'.

Environmentalist Dr. Madhavrao Gadgil has been honored as the 'Tyler' award in the environment. The committee has given this award after taking an immediate survey of nature conservation with his condolence

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