Biology, asked by hussain8319, 9 months ago

What is menstruation? What are the specific actions of FSH, LH,
estrogen & progesterone in menstrual cycle


Answered by Anonymous


Several hormones are involved in the menstrual cycle of a woman: follicle stimulating hormone (FSH ) causes the maturation of an egg in the ovary. luteinising hormone (LH ) stimulates the release of the egg. oestrogen is involved in repairing and thickening the uterus lining, progesterone maintains the uterine lining

Answered by anjalisingh159


Menstruation, or period, is normal vaginal bleeding that occurs as part of a woman's monthly cycle. Every month, your body prepares for pregnancy. If no pregnancy occurs, the uterus, or womb, sheds its lining. The menstrual blood is partly blood and partly tissue from inside the uterus.

the specific actions of :-

1. FSH :-FSH helps control the menstrual cycle and stimulates the growth of eggs in the ovaries.

2. LH :- LH helps to regulate the length and order of the menstrual cycle in females by playing roles in both ovulation and implantation of an egg in the uterus.

3. Estrogen :- the estrogen function during the menstrual cycle, leading to changes in tissue thickness and menstrual bleeding.

4. progesterone :- Progesterone helps to regulate your cycle. But its main job is to get your uterus ready for pregnancy. After you ovulate each month, progesterone helps thicken the lining of the uterus to prepare for a fertilized egg. If there is no fertilized egg, progesterone levels drop and menstruation begins.

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