English, asked by sonadiya, 1 year ago

what is message conveyed through the poem not marble nor the gilded monument​


Answered by MahatmaGandhi11

'Not Marble Nor The Gilded Gold'/ Sonnet 55 written by Shakespeare conveys the message that poetry outlives statues and gold plated monuments. Status and gilded monument can't stand the test of time that has a ravaging effect. Hence, the purpose of the people who erect them is lost. On the contrary, poetry makes the person live in the hearts of the reader forever as the same would be read year after year for generations. 

Answered by shatendra

The poem conveys the message that the great and noble souls leave an indelible impact on their fellow beings and are remembered for a long time. Poet feels his poem will outlive the ravages of time. According to him, marble and stone monuments fail to immortalize rich and the powerful. He claims his poem will live longer than any man-made monuments

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