What is microorganisms in the Indian mythologyof Prabhudeva?
The Microorganism is a single cell organism that we cannot see. Some of them are harmful while some of them are useful for a human being. In microorganisms, all the works like respiration, digestion, excretion, etc. are performed by a single cell. This single-cell organism can live independently. This single cell is only made up of one cell. In Indian mythology, these microorganisms are respected , and no harm should be done because these microorganisms are also a part of this beautiful Earth and play an important role.
The Microorganism is a single cell organism that we cannot see. Some of them are harmful while some of them are useful for a human being. In microorganisms, all the works like respiration, digestion, excretion, etc. are performed by a single cell. This single-cell organism can live independently. This single cell is only made up of one cell. In Indian mythology, these microorganisms are respected , and no harm should be done because these microorganisms are also a part of this beautiful Earth and play an important role.