Social Sciences, asked by BrainlyHelper, 1 year ago

What is mulching and contour bunding


Answered by Vanessa18
H e y a ! ! !

Mulching- The bare ground between plants is covered with a layer of organic matter like straw or peat to prevent loss of moisture from the soil. This process of conserving soil by retaining the moisture in the soil is called mulching.


Contour bunding- On hill sides, stone are used to build barriers across the slope, following contours. Contours are imaginary lines connecting places that lie at the same altitude. Trenches are made in front of the barriers to collect water. This way of preventing soil erosion is called contour barrier or contour bunding.


Hope it helps!!
Answered by Anonymous
hello !
Mulching is the placing of organic matter such    as straw on top of your garden soil. Every gardener should mulch both    their vegetable patch and their garden on a regular basis as it is great    for almost all plants.
Contour Bunding - On sloped land, plow such that rows are side by side but each row follows a path such that every point on it is at the same elevation. So, for example, to plow a round hillock you would plow concentric circles around the hill top to bottom. The resultant furrow lines look just like the contour lines on a contour map. With this plowing method the rows hold water instead of draining it downward and becoming eroded.
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