What is necessary condition for series resonant oscillation?
In LCR series circuit voltage ac source v(t)=v(0)sinwt , where v(t) is voltage at t instant v(0) is peak value of the voltage & w be angular frequency at thatinstant,impedance is given by
Z=R+jwL+(1/jwC), j is the phasor.
Z=|Z| e^j@
Where @=tan^-1{wL-(1/wc)}/R
|Z|=Sq rt{R^2+(wL-1/wC)^2}
Now at a certain angular frequency at w=w(0) circuit becomes resonant. And this frequency is called resonance frequency.
At resonance frequency power of the circuit becomes maximumP=I(rms)V(rms)cos@;So at @=0° ,at resonance frequency current & voltage remains in same phase & for this cos@=1
Now tan@=0
At this frequency power of the circuit becomes maximum.A and |Z|=R so at resonance frequency circuit is purely resistive and peak value of the current becomes maximum.