Biology, asked by boilogyexpert, 11 months ago

what is nervous tissue? and it functions and and it forms and also give its all parts. and pictures also with and name in diagram.


Answered by Anonymous
Heya !!

Here's your answer !!!

Nervous tissue control and integrated the activities of various parts of the body. nervous tissue has two main characteristic — CONDUCTION and INTEGRATION. it occurs in the brain, spinal cord and the nerves.

the nervous tissue is formed of the nerve cells and nerve fibers.


Neurons are the longest cells in the body. the prossess two main functions :

✬They perceive stimuli, in the from of nerve impulses.
✬They conduct nerve, impulses from sense organs to brain and from brain to body's motor organs.

A neurons has following parts: CYTON and NEURITES.

✬ CYTON or cell body is star-shaped. Its cytoplasm is called neuroplasm, and has a large nucleus, several NISSL GRANULES and fine, thread-like neurofibrils.


◉ Nerve fibers conduct message from one part of the body to the other.

◉Impulses or message from brain and spinal cord are carried to various body organs.

It helps you.
thanks ☻
Answered by Suryavardhan1

✴A tissue which specialised to transmit message in our body is nervous tissue.

✴Brain, spinal cord and nerves are composed of nervous tissue.

✴Nervous tissue contains highly specialised units called Nerve cells or neurons.

✴Neurones have the ability to receive stimuli from within or outside to body and conduct (send) impulses (signals) two different parts of a body.

✴The impulse travels from one uan to another neuron.

✴The neurone has three parts:-

☞Cyton (Cell body) - Cell body contains a central nucleus and cytoplasm.

☞Dendrons or dendrites - These are short fibres which are rising from the cell body and further branching into dendrites.

☞Axon - This is a single long fibre. The axon has an insulating and protective cover of myelin around it (Myelin is made up of fat and proteins).
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