Biology, asked by tjain549, 11 months ago

What is ookinete? Based on the 'sets of chromosomes' how do you describe it?


Answered by fazailcheema

The fertilized form of the malarial parasite in a mosquito's body, formed by fertilization of a macrogamete by a microgameteand developing into an oocyst. The ookinete stage has a nucleus containing the 'tetraploid' amount of DNA resulting from fertilisation and meiosis without immediate nuclear division. Nuclear division only starts in the oocyst stage. cheomose also decribe their role as they are the genome of humans.

Answered by lalithyavaishnavi


The zygote which is formed after fertilization remains inactive for some time and then transforms into a long, slender, motile, vermiform ookinete or vermicule within 18 to 24 hours.

Two sets of chromosomes are present in the ookinete, hence it's diploid (2n)

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